
Based in Johannesburg, South Africa

Founding date:
November 2009


Press / Business Contact:

Julian/Pandawlf's Twitter
Mike/retroFuture's Twitter

Zx Hyperblast

South Africa

+27 (0) 83 700 9787


Pandawlf is a indie game studio based in South Africa. We mine fresh pixels everyday for your amusement.


Early history

Pandawlf has its origin in 2009 when Julian decided that having some kind of studio name would be nice. And our good friend Jeremy Carver made us our ultra-rad logo. Pandawlf continually dwells in the pixel mines hoping to make games that are cool enough for it's logo. But normally we work with really cool people on rad games.


Pandawlf is currently teamed up with retroFuture (Michael de Jager) to bring people the chaotic shmuptastic zX - Hyperblast. zX is the first commercial venture by both studios. The game harkens from retroFuture's ethos of blending lovely old-skool games with modern design to make bring them to a new era, and smoothe out some kinks that we learnt don't work so well.



zX trailerYouTube



There are far more images available for Pandawlf, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!

There are currently no logos or icons available for Pandawlf. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!

Awards & Recognition

  • "Demo showcase A MAZE 2013" - Berlin, 24 April, 2013

Selected Articles

  • "It’s a tough little game, but my word, is it ever fun, and so very well presented."
    - Chris Priestman, IndieStatik
  • "I feel that the game's focus on melee combat differentiates it from many shmups - you really need to master the blade attacks to get anywhere in zX. This feature and the combination of awesome soundtrack and glowy neon visuals totally won me over."
    - J. Monkman, Retro Gamer CD
  • "This is an intense and satisfying game which should fulfill your need for an arcade shooter."
    - John P. Martin, Indie Retro News
  • "retroFuture's zX is not like most shmups. Instead of encouraging passive play or requiring the player to dodge a ton of bullets, players should dive straight into the line of fire to reflect enemy shots and power up their hyper gun."
    - John Polson, Indiegames.com

Pandawlf Homepage
Back to the homepage with you .

zX - Hyperblast
Because you want to go play the game. games.pandawlf.com.

Team & Repeating Collaborators

Julian Pritchard
Founder, Game Designer, Programmer, Web Janitor

Michael de Jager
Cohort, Artist, Game Designer

Jeremy Carver
Art, and Logo

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks